Block of the Month Kits
Subscribe to a Quilt Block of the Month program to build your next quilt, block by block! You can sign up any time – just use the filters to choose a quilt project by theme or style, then open your mailbox & smile each month. Pace yourself with block of the Month program kits to make one block or section of a quilt at a time. read more
more of our favorite BOM collections
Block of the Month Kits
Get ready for a quilting adventure when you purchase block of the month kits at Missouri Star!
Quilt Block of the Month subscription programs allow you to sew a beautiful quilt project, block by block and month by month! Quilting BOMs make creating a quilt from start to finish so easy and fun.
We offer a wonderful selection of Block of the Month quilt kits—often abbreviated as BOM quilt kits—so you can pick one that suits your fancy and get to stitching!
You might be wondering, what is a Block of the Month quilt? This is a subscription-based quilting project that comes to you in the mail via monthly shipments which are assembled over time, typically ranging between 6 months to a full year.
So, how does a BOM quilt kit work? This creative approach to quilting breaks down all of the parts of your quilt project into manageable monthly installments. Quilters who purchase block of the month subscriptions will receive shipments each month which include the fabrics, instructions, and patterns for one quilt block or a section of the quilt. With each of these monthly quilt block kits, you can assemble your quilt blocks over a few months before sewing them all together into your quilt top!
At the end, you’ll add borders, backing, and binding fabric along with instructions to turn all of your quilt blocks into a finished Block of the month quilt! When you purchase a block of the month subscription, make note of whether or not the fabric for backing and binding is included with the program, as this varies. You can also frequently purchase thread packs for Quilting BOM programs separately, allowing you to have perfectly matched fabric and thread in your quilting BOM project.
Quilting block of the month programs are a fantastic way to sew along at your own pace, making even the biggest Block of the Month quilts manageable. Not only do block of the month kits break things down into manageable chunks, they also offer an economical way to pay for your project a little bit at a time! If you’ve been wanting to make a larger quilt project but can’t afford to buy everything at once, a quilt block of the month subscription allows you to pay smaller monthly installments, allowing you to budget accordingly.
Another advantage of a Quilting BOM program is the variety it offers: each month, participants work on a new block with different techniques, colors, and styles, keeping the project interesting and engaging. Quilting BOMs are also a great way to learn new quilting techniques or other skills as you stitch up your quilt blocks of the month.
Frequently, you can find subscriptions for quilt blocks of the month which include video tutorials to help you learn new techniques and provide guidance for each step. This is particularly useful if the Quilting BOM program uses a variety of unfamiliar or advanced quilting techniques, allowing quilters to develop and refine their skills over time. Beginners can gradually build their expertise, while more experienced quilters may enjoy the challenge of mastering new techniques featured in the Block of the Month club.
For an extra layer of support, many block of the month programs also include an in-person group or online forum. When you join a quilting BOM group, you can share your progress, ask for advice, and showcase your completed quilt blocks, celebrating everyone’s success for the duration of the quilt BOM program.
And if you’re feeling like you’re in a quilting rut, a block of the month club can be just the thing to add variety and excitement to your quilting, especially when your quilt blocks of the month include fabric patterns, colors, or designs you might not have chosen for yourself. Variety is the spice of life!
Many of your favorite designers and fabric brands offer Block of the Month quilts; some are available year-round, while others require signup by a specific date in order to participate. At Missouri Star, we offer several unique Block of the Month Kits you won’t find anywhere else.
Our quilting Block of the Month programs make quilting easier than ever because you sew one block or quilt section at a time, allowing you to pace yourself and keep it simple. And, when you’re done, you can send it to our Machine Quilting Services for the perfect finishing touch.
Purchase Block of the Month subscriptions here to start sewing something beautiful today!