Periwinkle on Point Quilt Tutorial
Jenny Doan
Periwinkle on Point Quilt Tutorial
- 4 packs x 5" Precut Fabric Squares (Charm Packs) - Print
- 3¾ yards x Background Fabric (incl. inner border)
- 1¼ yards x Outer Border Fabric
- ¾ yard x Fabric for Binding
- 4½ yards x Quilt Backing Fabric

Finish your masterpiece and let us give it the finishing touch it deserves.
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video transcript
Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the MSQC. And I’ve got a really fun project for you today. Take a look at this quilt behind me. Isn’t this fun? Of course, I love the red, white and blue. And what we’re doing with the periwinkle in this quilt is going to give you a whole new bunch of ideas on how to use this periwinkle. So to make this quilt what you’re going to need are four packs of five-inch squares. And we have used Freedom Batik Stamps for by Kathy Ingle for Island Batiks. You’re going to need 3 ¾ yards of your background fabric. That’s all this white. And that includes the first inner border here. And our outer border is a six-inch border and you’re going to need a yard and a quarter for that. Your background you’re going to need or for your backing you’re going to need 4 ½ yards. We’ve used this red. And I hope you noticed our, our quilting stitch on here because it’s stars and loops and I just think it adds to the quilt. It just makes it really cool. You’re also going to need a periwinkle template. You’re going to need some of our periwinkle papers, two packs. You’re going to need a lapel stick. And so let me show you how to do this because this is really fun. And it just really, it’s one of those things where you go oh my gosh I really could do this and it makes it fun.
This is the block we’re talking about right here. So what we’re going to do first is we’re going to take our periwinkle papers. We’re going to get four of those and lay them out here because you need four of those for each block. We have our template ready. And we need to cut our little tiny red fabrics for our, for our periwinkle. Now, this is a little trick I’m going to show you here. If you actually fold your charm into fourths like this and just fold it again like this. You can lay that periwinkle template right in there and cut four at a time. And four is how many you need for each block. So I”m just going to trim this right here. And I”m going to turn this little guy and realign my template and cut down this side. Alright, so what we’re looking for is four of these. And then what we have to do is we have to attach these to our papers. So what we’re going to do is I’m going to take, I’m going to take my glue stick and I’m going to run a little strip of glue just right down my paper like this. And then I’m just going to arrange my little periwinkle template on there, I mean my fabric, not the template, just the fabric. And I’m going to do that to all four like this. Let me go ahead and get these apart and. Alright here we go and one more. Alrighty, now we have all four of these on there.
Now we’re going to need to put some sides on there. The sides you’re going to cut out of your background fabric. And these are 2 ½ by 3 ½ inch pieces. And so we’re just going to attach one of these to each side. And what I want to do is I want to show you how I do this because half of your periwinkles are going to be red, half of your periwinkles are going to be blue. This would be a great quilt to do scrappy so with all the different colors I think would just be amazing. But what we’re going to do is we’re just going to sew those down. So basically, let me show you because I just realized I didn’t actually show you this too good. So what I’m doing is I’m putting this 2 ½ by 3 ½ inch piece right along the edge of this, on top of the paper. And I’m going to sew a quarter of an inch right down the side. And we’re going to chain piece these. So when I get making, when I get sewing these, literally I’ll glue a whole bunch and then I’ll just go through just like this and I’ll do one side, one after the other. And this makes this quilt just speed along. If you can actually pick up the fabric. There we go. Alright and one more. And you can iron these after you do it, mostly I don’t want to get out of my chair so I just finger press them back. So when they all get done like this then I’m just going to finger press this edge back right here and I’m going to add the other side. So I”m going to go ahead and finger press all of these. And then I’m going to come back and I’m going to put one on the other side right here. Now these do get a little wonky when they’re all hooked together because their little triangle point. So I’m going to clip them apart and then just sew the other side just like this. So again you just lay them right along the edge like this. And we’re just going to chain piece them all the way through just like this. It’s just, this is one of those things where it looks like you worked so hard but all you’re doing is just sewing straight seams. And one more. Let me grab one more side piece over here. There we go. And of course, again I’ll do these, I’ll do a lot of these so I can just sit and sew and listen to my book on tape. You know. Alright let’s iron these back now. The second side I don’t feel like I need to finger press at all because I’m going to run to the iron and do both sides and make sure they’re pressed nice and flat. Alright, there we go. Oop.
Ok so now what we do is we are going to use this, this triangle paper as our pattern on the back. So we’re going to lay our ruler right along the edge of the paper just like this. And we’re going to trim these off. So we’re going to trim this whole bottom part. And then we’re going to trim up on this side like this. And we are going to do this to all of them. And I’ll do another one over here. I have some done but I just feel like sometimes when you have to cut fabric is seems a little scary. So I thought I would just show you one more so we don’t, so no fears about this. This is just going to make a really cool block. And your ruler keeps you from cutting your paper. You want to make sure you stay right on the edge of that paper. Alright. Now what you’re going to do, you’re going to do four of these, all four. I have some over here done right here. One, two, three, and what we’re going to do then is we’re going to pull the paper off the back. So you can do that right now. If you set your stitch length a little smaller you know it will tear a little cleaner. Mine is, I just leave it set on the regular because I don’t remember to change it, and it works fine. That’s what you have to remember, it just works fine.
Alright so now what I want to do is I want to find the blue one that I want to put in the middle of these. And I think I’ll use this star right here. And so what I’m going to do with my blue, I have four of these and one of my five inch squares, I’m going to actually press the little middles right here on the edges of my square on all four sides. So just the little middles. So now I have a little crease line that tells me where the middle of the block is. And then what I’m going to do is I’m now going to use these as my setting triangles on the sides. So we’re going to sew one on this side and one on the opposite side. And I’m lining up where my V comes together on this. I’m lining that up with the little crease I made on the side of the, of the charm square. So again this one, I have a little crease right there, going to line up my V, center it on there and put one on both sides just like this. Alright so now we’re going to press these back. And I am going to press to the dark side. Alright so now this is what we have. You can now if you want, trim off these dog ears which is good if you want to do that. I don’t remember if I always did it or if I just sometimes did it. But either way it will give you less fabric to sew through. Then you’re going to add your two other pieces. Now I have erased my line here in the middle so let me make another crease and another crease over here. So there’s my little crease. And again I’m just going to put my V where the crease is and put this on this side and then also add one to the other. Alright now let’s add the other side. There we go. Now you’ll notice when you add these on the sides you get like a little quarter of an inch you know just a little tail sticking up and that’s exactly what we want. And I’m going to press this open. And again I’m going to press it with the seam going in to that center. I don’t think it matters which way you press it. I think that is totally personal preference. That’s just how I’m going to do it. And then you have this darling block. Now what happens with this block that is so cool is that when you set these together in the corners it’s going to make that cool thing. So what I’m going to do now is I’m going to straighten up these edges. So I’m going to line my ruler point to point and I’m just going to straighten up that middle. Sometimes it comes a little wonky like that. And as long as you don’t cut off the curves of your points we should be good to go. Just like that. You want to square these up to about seven inches. You know make sure yours are all the same. Mine usually doesn’t come out this wonky so I’m not sure what I did different but we’re good to go.
So then you’re going to make half of them with the blue center and the red periwinkles. And the other half are going to be blue periwinkles with red. So let’s look at how this goes into the quilt because here’s a blue center with our red periwinkles right here. And see how it goes together and it forms the red and blue, and the red and blue. That’s why I think this would be such a cool scrappy quilt because you wouldn’t have to worry about any of that. You know we worried about the matching because I wanted them to be opposite colors. But it comes together so cute. Now let’s count these. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight by one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight by eight. We’re using 64 of these blocks. And, and I love that what happens here once you add these, once these become your side pieces it sets that center block right on point. It turns that little five inch square right on point and it takes it from being, you know, an ordinary block to an extraordinary block. I just think this is so fun. I hope you try it and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on the Periwinkle on Point from the MSQC.
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