February 13, 2024

How to Cut a Fat Quarter

It's time to talk about one of our favorite topics: fat quarters. These little bundles of joy are a staple in any quilter's stash, but for some, the thought of cutting into them can be met with hesitation.

So, exactly what is a fat quarter? Think of it as a quarter yard of fabric but with a twist. It's a half-yard of fabric cut in half (on the fold), resulting in a generous piece that's just waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece. They're perfect for showing off those big, bold prints, making sewing a breeze!

Now, on to the big question: How do we muster up the courage to snip into these precious pieces? Take a deep breath and check out these handy tips on how to cut up a fat quarter!

Plan Your Project

Before you even think about reaching for that cutter, have a game plan. What's your end goal? Are you making a quilt? A table runner? Having a clear vision will give you the confidence to make that first cut.

How to cut a fat quarter - cut smart not hard

Slice Smart, Not Hard

Don't just start cutting randomly! Think strategically. Consider breaking your fat quarter into smaller bits or strips to make the most of the design. Get creative with your cuts and think about how each piece will fit into your overall project.

Tools of the Trade

Need a little extra help with precision? Templates are your new best friends. They'll help you nail those perfect shapes and sizes, especially if you're working with tricky patterns. No wonky cuts here!

Try a Pattern

Feeling adventurous? Why not try a pattern that's specifically designed for fat quarters? There are tons of fun and funky patterns out there that make the most of these unique fabric cuts. Whether it's a quilt, a table runner, or a tote bag, the possibilities are endless!

Grab Our Free Printable Guide

To make things easier, we've created a fat quarter cutting chart that you can download as a free PDF for reference! Explore different cutting methods for fat quarters with our printable fat quarter cutting chart. Perfect for all skill levels, this resource provides clear visuals and easy instructions. Download now and start cutting confidently!

By mastering the art of cutting fat quarters, you're unlocking a whole world of quilting magic. So, grab that rotary cutter, take a leap of faith, and let's get slicing!


Ready to dive into the fat quarter fun? Check out our awesome collection of fat quarter bundles and let your creativity run wild! Now that you know how to cut up a fat quarter, shop all Fat Quarters HERE!


Share your finished projects with us on Facebook and Instagram!

Published by Danae M.