Wilmington Essentials - Silver Linings Sparkles Gray Yardage

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Wilmington Essentials - Silver Linings Sparkles Gray Yardage
MFG SKU: 1817-39055-991
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Wilmington Essentials - Silver Linings Sparkles Gray Yardage
Wilmington Essentials - Silver Linings Sparkles Gray Yardage
The swirly dots on this gray background would be tons of fun to sew with!
You’ve always got to look for the silver lining in every situation, and it looks like you’ve found it! Wilmington Essentials Silver Linings is full of all sorts of fabulous prints: dots, paisley, vines, petals, and so much more! You see? Finding the silver lining isn’t always so hard!

100% Cotton
44"/45" Wide